Developer Tools
Take control of your development by using our FREE tools, that help ease your development related tasks.
Easy-to-use tools for all levels of experience
CRUD Generator V2
CRUD Generator V2 which is a improved version of the CRUD V1 generates a clean PHP, HTML, and JQuery code for your cruds by just providing a json defining the fields in the form, along with the field type and other meta information.
CRUD V1 helps you dynamically generate pages for crud, by just providing a json defining the fields in the form, along with the field type and other meta information. CRUD V1 handles both your clientside and the serverside.

Workplace CRM, helps in managing Customers, Employees, Projects, Leads, Documents, Chats, Emails, Calendars, and contains alot of other things all at one place.

Workplace API
Workplace API, helps in managing Customers, Employees, Projects, Leads, Documents, Chats, Emails, Calendars, and contains alot of other things all at one place.

roPay makes it easy for developers to build their own e-wallet system, while customizing it in the way they want. It supports peer to peer transactions, peer to vendor transactions, transactions history, balance reload...

CRM Requirements Generator
Gathering client requirements be challenging sometimes. This tool provides a list of some of the most commonly used modules in a CRM to help your client in brainstorming the features for the CRM.

APIs Generator
APIs Generator helps you quickly create CRUD APIs for your webbased project so that you can use them in your mobile app. It connects to your database, and dynamically generate the CRUD APIs for all of the database tables.

APIs Documentation Generator
Everyone knows writing documentation for your APIs is not an easy task. This tool connects with your database to generate the documentation for all of your modules CRUDs so that you don't have to worry about the documentation again.

PHP Libraries
Our PHP Libaries can be imported to any PHP Project, and helps you write a clean and short code. It contains many useful funtions like getAll() for database queries, generateId(), user session management etc.
Thumbnail Generator
Do you have a portfolio with alot of images and would like to quickly convert them into a thumbnail containing the project title, description, and other usefull information? Thumbnail Generator can help you with that.

File Sharer
Want to quickly share images, videos, and other files with your collegues. The File sharer can help you share files withough any size limit, and all of free, forever.